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Cyrillic Script Font

카테고리 없음

by icnintivin1986 2020. 3. 6. 09:53


The results will be published at moderncyrillic.org on June 30, 2019. Winning typefaces will be awarded with honorary diplomas of Modern Cyrillic 2019, published in the catalog and shown at the traveling exhibition. The authors of the winning fonts will receive a copy of the catalog after its publication. In addition, the organisers and partners of the competition reserve the right to award their own prizes to selected designs among the ones recognised by the jury.There's also an additional bonus — three special prizes from the most popular type design apps: FontLab, Glyphs & Robofont — a license for the latest versions of these editors. CategoriesThere are three competition categories:1. Display typefacesTypefaces and type families for headings and shorter messages, phrases and words, including handwritten, calligraphic, decorative, initial styles, etc.2. Text typefacesTypefaces and type families for use in the composition of text for continuous reading3.

  1. Cyrillic Script Font
Cyrillic Script Font

Type systems (including superfamilies)Extended type families that include styles both for text and display. Superfamilies may include styles that fall into multiple typeface classifications that are designed to be used together, for example, serif and sans-serif.The competition categories help organise entries for the jury’s convenience.

Positive and funny font. Perfect for use in titles and children’s books. Retains its connection to the original Bodoni typeface, and we all love this beautiful and modern serif font.Peleshka looks good in modern layouts. It’s suitable for books, lettering, signs, logos, magazines.Not suitable for a funeral. Although, it depends on how you mark up.

TsarevichShadowBeryozkiIdealist SansPH FreeUni Sans FreePantonNordSports World (Typeface)Ralev001This is actually a Bulgarian font, but it’s still pretty cool. ArsenalPOIRETRuslanKankinYesevaSansus WebissimoZopaMyra CapsDaysYanone KaffeesatzYanone Kaffesatz is a condensed humanist sans-serif of four weights designed by Jan Gerner for his own type foundry Yanone. CasperCyberiaRusnish HelveticaPapyrus Plain CyrillicPapyrus font with Cyrillic support. It is drawn specifically for forced subtitles in the movie Avatar, so the system font will be seen exactly as the Avatar. Gulag decayKremlinHetarosiaRussianKremlin BolshevikRushinHave you ever seen some Russian writing and tried to pronounce it like it looks, even though you know probably none of those letters are pronounced like the Latin alphabet letter they look like?That is what this font is based on. I took all the Cyrillic letters and matched them up with the Latin alphabet letters they look like.The author threw out all the Cyrillic letters that didn’t look like anything and filled in the remaining characters with the regular Latin alphabet.The result is that you can type out a phrase and it will look like Cyrillic lettering while being perfectly readable English.

VKB KonqaKremlin MinisterChyelovekThis is a font based on the block-print style typeface commonly found on eastern-bloc propaganda posters throughout the 1930’s and 40’s. It has been adapted for the Roman alphabet (the original was predominantly Cyrillic). SovietKremlin Grand DukeKremlin Georgian 3DRaskalnikovBased on lettering from a 1925 Soviet poster by one very strange (and unidentified) comrade, this Russian font is named after the main character is Fyodor Dostoyevsky’s Crime and Punishment and was, not coincidentally, Boris Badenov’s favorite swear word.

Cyrillic Script Font

Back in the USSRKoruptor and the bitchesKremlin KievKremlin AlexanderGagarinCsarKremlin KommisarRed OctoberKremlin EmpireKremlin Kourier IIKyrillaEurocentricRussian qualityUralRed October StencilKremlin Orthodox ChurchNyet.